A Program for Nonlinear Response Spectra
Developed in the University at Buffalo, NSPECTRA is a computer program for obtaining
the response spectra of nonlinear systems. The program can perform the analysis for a
collection of ground motions (maximum 200 ground motions) returning the response spectra
for each ground motion and the average and standard deviation response spectra of the
collection. The program can also print out the time history response for a particular
pendulum in the spectrum.
The purpose of this web site is to keep you up to date on the latest enhancements, as
well as to help you resolve any problems you may encounter while using NSPECTRA. If you
are not familiar with the program's capabilities feel free to download it.
For additional information regarding to NSPECTRA program you may contact:
If you are not familiar with the program's capabilities, feel free to download the most recent freely available version of
the program.
For additional information regarding to NSPECTRA program you may contact:
Professor A. M. Reinhorn
Department of Civil Engineering
212 Ketter Hall
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260-4300 |
Tel: (716) 645-3491 x2420
FAX: (716) 645-3733
E-mail: reinhorn@buffalo.edu
The creators of the NSPECTRA program are:
Page Designed by: Dinesh Agrawal
State University of NY at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260
Send all comments and corrections to the webmaster.